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CanvasPrintings™ Full Color Rolled Canvas

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This 15 mil canvas has a semi-gloss finish, designed for long-term, fade-resistant fine art reproduction. The polyester/cotton blend canvas

is specially coated for superior color quality. Maximum Size: 49" High X 150' Wide. Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Printed on one

side only. Indoor or Outdoor; Waterproof and UV safe that will last for years. 15 mil. White Canvas. Grommets, hemming free. Pole pockets

available, $1-$2/sf

15 mil full color semi-gloss canvas are produced from San Diego, Miami, Dallas & Houston.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $41 $51 $83 $135 $241 $293 $346 $415 $518

3x1 $46 $62 $109 $188 $346 $389 $467 $622 $778

1.5x2 $46 $62 $109 $188 $346 $389 $467 $622 $778

4x1 $51 $72 $135 $241 $415 $518 $622 $829 $1,037 For this table, same
2x2 $51 $72 $135 $241 $415 $518 $622 $829 $1,037 size art that is different
6x1 $62 $93 $188 $346 $622 $778 $933 $1,244 $1,531 gets a group discount!
3x2 $62 $93 $188 $346 $622 $778 $933 $1,244 $1,531

4x2 $72 $114 $241 $415 $829 $1,037 $1,244 $1,633 $2,041

3x3 $77 $125 $267 $467 $933 $1,166 $1,378 $1,837 $2,296

5x2 $83 $135 $293 $518 $1,037 $1,276 $1,531 $2,041 $2,552

6x2 $93 $156 $346 $622 $1,244 $1,531 $1,837 $2,449 $3,062

4x3 $93 $156 $346 $622 $1,244 $1,531 $1,837 $2,449 $3,062

5x3 $109 $188 $389 $778 $1,531 $1,914 $2,296 $3,062 $3,827

4x4 $114 $198 $415 $829 $1,633 $2,041 $2,449 $3,266 $4,082

5x4 $135 $241 $518 $1,037 $2,041 $2,552 $3,062 $4,082 $5,103

7x3 $141 $251 $544 $1,089 $2,143 $2,679 $3,215 $4,287 $5,358

8x4 $198 $367 $829 $1,633 $3,266 $4,082 $4,899 $6,532 $8,165

other sizes and quantities available, call us at 216.227.8521 or hit us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

Full Color Canvas Printing on our 22 mil canvas is ideal for art decor, fine art reproduction, photography backdrops & murals. This canvas can be

stretched without cracking for mounting to a frame, but care should be taken to avoid over stretching the canvas & distorting images or tearing the material.

Height: 8 to 50 inches & Width: 10 to 100 inches

22 mil full color water resistant bright white satin finish canvas produced from the San Jose/Oakland/San Francisco area.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $41 $52 $85 $139 $249 $304 $358 $431 $539

3x1 $46 $63 $112 $194 $358 $404 $485 $647 $808

1.5x2 $46 $63 $112 $194 $358 $404 $485 $647 $808

4x1 $52 $74 $139 $249 $431 $539 $647 $862 $1,078

2x2 $52 $74 $139 $249 $431 $539 $647 $862 $1,078

6x1 $63 $96 $194 $358 $647 $808 $970 $1,273 $1,591

3x2 $63 $96 $194 $358 $647 $808 $970 $1,273 $1,591

4x2 $74 $118 $249 $431 $862 $1,078 $1,273 $1,697 $2,122

3x3 $79 $129 $276 $485 $970 $1,212 $1,432 $1,910 $2,387

5x2 $85 $139 $304 $539 $1,078 $1,326 $1,591 $2,122 $2,652

6x2 $96 $161 $358 $647 $1,273 $1,591 $1,910 $2,546 $3,183

4x3 $96 $161 $358 $647 $1,273 $1,591 $1,910 $2,546 $3,183

5x3 $112 $194 $404 $808 $1,591 $1,989 $2,387 $3,183 $3,978

4x4 $118 $205 $431 $862 $1,697 $2,122 $2,546 $3,395 $4,244

5x4 $139 $249 $539 $1,078 $2,122 $2,652 $3,183 $4,244 $5,305

7x3 $145 $260 $566 $1,132 $2,228 $2,785 $3,342 $4,456 $5,570

8x4 $205 $380 $862 $1,697 $3,395 $4,244 $5,092 $6,790 $8,487

other sizes and quantities available, call us at 216.227.8521 or hit us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

Full Color Canvas Printed on our 17 mil canvas is ideal for all kinds of wall pictures & murals. This canvas can be stretched without

cracking for mounting to a frame, but care should be taken to avoid distortion of your imagesl.

17 mil full color gloss or matte finish canvas originates from St. Louis and Minneapolis/St. Paul.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $41 $53 $86 $143 $256 $312 $369 $444 $556

3x1 $47 $64 $115 $199 $369 $417 $500 $667 $833

1.5x2 $47 $64 $115 $199 $369 $417 $500 $667 $833

4x1 $53 $75 $143 $256 $444 $556 $667 $889 $1,111

2x2 $53 $75 $143 $256 $444 $556 $667 $889 $1,111

6x1 $64 $98 $199 $369 $667 $833 $1,000 $1,312 $1,641

3x2 $64 $98 $199 $369 $667 $833 $1,000 $1,312 $1,641

4x2 $75 $120 $256 $444 $889 $1,111 $1,312 $1,750 $2,187

3x3 $81 $132 $284 $500 $1,000 $1,250 $1,476 $1,969 $2,461

5x2 $86 $143 $312 $556 $1,111 $1,367 $1,641 $2,187 $2,734

6x2 $98 $165 $369 $667 $1,312 $1,641 $1,969 $2,625 $3,281

4x3 $98 $165 $369 $667 $1,312 $1,641 $1,969 $2,625 $3,281

5x3 $115 $199 $417 $833 $1,641 $2,051 $2,461 $3,281 $4,101

4x4 $120 $211 $444 $889 $1,750 $2,187 $2,625 $3,500 $4,375

5x4 $143 $256 $556 $1,111 $2,187 $2,734 $3,281 $4,375 $5,468

7x3 $148 $267 $583 $1,167 $2,297 $2,871 $3,445 $4,593 $5,742

8x4 $211 $391 $889 $1,750 $3,500 $4,375 $5,250 $7,000 $8,749

other sizes and quantities available, call us at 216.227.8521 or hit us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

This 16 mil canvas has a semi-gloss finish, designed for long-term, fade-resistant fine art reproduction. The polyester/cotton blend

blend is specially coated for superior color quality. Maximum Size: 40' High X 54" Wide. Printed on one side only.

16 mil full color semi-gloss canvas are produced from New York, Louisville, Los Angeles, Columbus, Miami, Ft. Worth & Phoenix.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $43 $56 $94 $158 $287 $351 $415 $506 $632

3x1 $49 $69 $126 $223 $415 $474 $569 $759 $948

1.5x2 $49 $69 $126 $223 $415 $474 $569 $759 $948

4x1 $56 $81 $158 $287 $544 $632 $759 $1,012 $1,265

2x2 $56 $81 $158 $287 $544 $632 $759 $1,012 $1,265

6x1 $69 $107 $223 $415 $759 $948 $1,138 $1,494 $1,867

3x2 $69 $107 $223 $415 $759 $948 $1,138 $1,494 $1,867

4x2 $81 $133 $287 $506 $1,012 $1,265 $1,494 $1,992 $2,490

3x3 $88 $146 $319 $569 $1,138 $1,400 $1,681 $2,241 $2,801

5x2 $94 $158 $351 $632 $1,265 $1,556 $1,867 $2,490 $3,112

6x2 $107 $184 $415 $759 $1,494 $1,867 $2,241 $2,988 $3,735

4x3 $107 $184 $415 $759 $1,494 $1,867 $2,241 $2,988 $3,735

5x3 $126 $223 $474 $948 $1,867 $2,334 $2,801 $3,735 $4,668

4x4 $133 $236 $506 $1,012 $1,992 $2,490 $2,988 $3,984 $4,980

5x4 $158 $287 $632 $1,265 $2,490 $3,112 $3,735 $4,980 $6,224

7x3 $165 $300 $664 $1,307 $2,614 $3,268 $3,921 $5,228 $6,536

8x4 $236 $405 $1,012 $1,992 $3,984 $4,980 $5,975 $7,967 $9,959

other sizes and quantities available, call us at 216.227.8521 or hit us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

CanvasPrintings™ Biodegradable Full Color Rolled Canvas

The fabric banners below are biodegradable & are much more eco-friendly compared to vinyl banners. This along with the use of non-solvent latex

inks truly allow you to do your part for the environment. Canvas is an indoor fabric. It can be used short term outdoors but will not do well wet.

Maximum Size: 79" High X 100' Wide

Grommets are free; wrap extensions for mounting cost an extra 1% to 3%

12 mil full color matte or semi-gloss canvas are produced from Los Angeles, Denver & Atlanta.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $46 $61 $108 $186 $342 $384 $461 $614 $768

3x1 $53 $77 $147 $264 $461 $576 $691 $922 $1,152

1.5x2 $53 $77 $147 $264 $461 $576 $691 $922 $1,152

4x1 $61 $92 $186 $342 $614 $768 $922 $1,229 $1,512

2x2 $61 $92 $186 $342 $614 $768 $922 $1,229 $1,512

6x1 $77 $124 $264 $461 $922 $1,152 $1,361 $1,814 $2,268

3x2 $77 $124 $264 $461 $922 $1,152 $1,361 $1,814 $2,268

4x2 $92 $155 $342 $614 $1,229 $1,512 $1,814 $2,419 $3,024

3x3 $100 $170 $381 $691 $1,361 $1,701 $2,041 $2,722 $3,402

5x2 $108 $186 $384 $768 $1,512 $1,890 $2,268 $3,024 $3,780

6x2 $124 $217 $461 $922 $1,814 $2,268 $2,722 $3,629 $4,536

4x3 $124 $217 $461 $922 $1,814 $2,268 $2,722 $3,629 $4,536

5x3 $147 $264 $576 $1,152 $2,268 $2,835 $3,402 $4,536 $5,670

4x4 $155 $280 $614 $1,229 $2,419 $3,024 $3,629 $4,838 $6,048

5x4 $186 $342 $768 $1,512 $3,024 $3,780 $4,536 $6,048 $7,560

7x3 $194 $358 $806 $1,588 $3,175 $3,969 $4,763 $6,350 $7,938

8x4 $280 $492 $1,229 $2,419 $4,838 $6,048 $7,258 $9,677 $12,096

other sizes and quantities available, call us at 216.227.8521 or hit us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com